I (Brittany) am very grateful to have the very part-time help and support of these two amazing people!

Nadia Lopez (she/her) recently moved to Western Massachusettes from New York City. She believes that everything in our lives should come from the most natural, unprocessed sources possible and one day aspires to have her own homestead. She is continually learning and experimenting with the ways plants can aid a healthier, happier life and loves tinkering with and making her own herbal remedies. She is currently a student in The Art of Home Herbalism Online.
Nadia is the proud mother of a beautiful toddler. She loves music (she plays ukulele and violin!), gardening, yoga, being outside, cooking, baking, making botanically inspired art, and doing yoga.
She loves organizing and cleaning – two skills that she often utilizes as the Thyme Herbal office assistant. Nadia manages all the wholesale accounts and ships all orders that come in through the shop on the Thyme Herbal website. When you email office@thymeherbal.com you will most likely chat with Nadia!
Savannah Clayton (she/her) grew up in the rural, wild woods of Northern Michigan, where her love for the natural world began. When she started studying herbalism after graduating from college with a music degree, it was like a homecoming. All the familiar plants and trees of her childhood now had names and special, healing spirits!